Page 13 - DoorKnox-Manual
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VDP103 - Secure Access Door Entry Camera

Deleting Users                                          Using The VDP103 Door Camera

To improve security from time to time you may wish                                         Entering Key codes
to change key codes and unpair key fobs or key cards.                                      To release an electronic
To restore the VDP103 back to factory default deleting                                     door using a key code
all users just follow the steps below:                                                     simply enter the key code
                                                                                           followed by the ‘#’ key (No
 1 	 Press and hold the ‘ENTER’ and ‘ESC’ buttons 		                                       need to press ‘#’ for 8 digit
	 on the rear of the camera at the same time for                                           key codes). You will hear a
	 10 seconds.                                                                              long beep if the key code
 2 	 After 10 seconds you will hear a long beep 		                                         is correct. If incorrect you
	 confirming all users have been erased. You can 		                                        will hear two short beeps.
	 now follow the easy steps on the previous page 		                                        Using A Key fob/Card
	 to create new key codes and pair required                                                To release an electronic
	 key fobs and cards.                                                                      door with a paired key fob
                                                                                           or key card just swipe it
                                                                                           across the keypad and you
                                                                                           will hear a long beep. Two
                                                                                           short beeps indicate the
                                                                                           key fob/card is not paired
                                                                                           with the door camera.

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