Page 4 - DoorKnox-Manual
P. 4

Commonly Asked Questions

Q. What does the DoorKnox do?                             your phone! You could then log into the DVR via the
In its basic format it consists of 1 monitor located      AlienDVR app and see and hear live video and audio!
inside a property and a camera with a “Call button” on
the outside of the property. When someone presses         Q. Wow. Could I remotely open a door using my phone?
the Call button it chimes the monitor and the person      Yes using the AlienDVR phone app and its relay
inside can see the visitor. A two way intercom allows     controls to open the door. You will need to fit a
the occupier to chat to the visitor and then remotely     suitable electromechanical lock to the door as well.
operate a door release to let the visitor in.
                                                          Q. So one of the real benefits of the DoorKnox is you
Q. Does the DoorKnox record the visitor if I’m out, so I  can link it to the AlienDVR?
can see who’s been? How do I view the images?             Yes, it’s the number one feature, making it a really
Yes it does. It can record a small amount of video        comprehensive system. Most low cost Video door
(2mins) or around 80 images on an SD card inside the      phones don’t have this system integration.
monitor. You can play them on the monitor or you
could take the card out and play it on a PC.              Q. Can I see the DVR's output on the DoorKnox screen?
                                                          Yes! The DoorKnox monitor can accept two additional
Q. If I’m not at home can the DoorKnox remotely notify    composite video inputs from additional standard
me if someone is at my property?                          CCTV cameras or a DVR's video output. If the DVR
Yes it can! To do this you need to link the DoorKnox to   doesn’t have a composite video output you can create
the “AlienDVR”. The DoorKnox's Call button and video      one with a composite convertor like the CNV100.
output are connected to the DVR. When someone
presses the Call button on the DoorKnox camera it         Q. So that means I could play the DVR through the
“alarms” the DVR. The DVR records the visitor and         DoorKnox and watch footage on the DoorKnox screen?
can email you three snap shots from the camera to         Yes you would simply select the auxiliary video on the

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