Page 16 - GDPR & CCTV Guide
P. 16

KitVault™ DVR/NVR Enclosure

 ew !Keep vital evidence secure from tampering or theft
N by fitting your DVR into a KitVault lockable enclosure!


                                                                                                                 KEY FEATURES
                   Stackable design  Choice of sizes for easy      Removable lid       £49 !!From only     ?	4 sizes to suit any
Choice of 3 fan                      rear cable access to suit  for easy installation
  vents for full                                                and engineer access                          DVR or NVR
flexibility to suit                    most DVRs or NVRs                                                   ?	Secure and lockable
                                                                                                           ?Fan kits available for
   the on-site
   conditions                                                                                                extra cooling
                                                                                                           ?Tough Window Panel
 Side, rearm                                                    VAULT400             Easy fit fan kits     ?	Wall and desk Boltholes
 and baseQ                                                                            (12V DC) for         ?	Extra easy access via a 	
cable entryeCatalogue                                                                 extra cooling        	 removable lid and door
  glands                                                                                of stored
                          System                                                       equipment.               SPECIFICATION
                                  Q                                                                               Build: 1.5mm Steel
                                    eCatalogue                                       Tough window panel       Cabling: Side, Rear & Base
                                                                                     for easy monitoring
                                                          System                     of equipment                    Entry Glands
                                                                 Q                                          (VAULT200 - Base & Side Only)
       Wall bolt holes                                                                                          Fan Kits: 3 Fan Kits Max
    for permanent fixing                                                                                        (VAULT100 - 0 Fan Kits)
                                                                                                             Lockable: Hinged Door with

                                                                                                                        Key lock
                                                                                                            Mounting: Wall & Desk Mount

                                                                                                                   Use: Internal Only


                          Removable door for easy               Lockable to prevent
                          control and USB backups               unauthorised access

    Helps keep your CCTV system GDPR compliant!

A KitVault enclosure is a space-saving way of                                                                   VAULT100 Dimensions
keeping a DVR and the footage on its hard drive                                                             INT (H)90mm x (W)329mm x (D)230mm
free from general public access and possible                                                               EXT (H)95mm x (W)389mm x (D)328mm
tampering. Available in a range of sizes from
extra small to large, it’s easy to pick the right                                                               VAULT200 Dimensions
size to suit your DVR or NVR.                                                                               INT (H)145mm x (W)350mm x (D)268mm
Each model features handy fixing holes that                                                                EXT (H)150mm x (W)430mm x (D)368mm
let you bolt the enclosure to a counter, shelf
or the wall behind it making it hard to simply                                                                  VAULT300 Dimensions
pick up it and walk out with it. Once unlocked,                                                             INT (H)145mm x (W)140mm x (D)371mm
the removable enclosure lid makes screwing                                                                 EXT (H)150mm x (W)490mm x (D)471mm
it down and connecting up your equipment
a doddle.                                                                                                       VAULT400 Dimensions
A polycarbonate viewing panel means the                                                                     INT (H)145mm x (W)484mm x (D)497mm
system user can easily check the DVR is still                                                              EXT (H)150mm x (W)564mm x (D)597mm
switched on without opening the enclosure up
whilst special vents allow for additional fans to                                                          Internal dimensions leave 70mm at the back
be added to keep the contents of the KitVault                                                              of the DVR/NVR for cabling. Allow for 30mm
operating at an ideal ambient temperature,                                                                 less widthand/or depth when fitting fan kits.
mgreat if it’s being stored in a warm room.
  Q                                                             Code                 Description           Prices (ex-VAT)
    eCatalogueBy keeping your CCTV                              VAULT100             Extra Small KitVault
 recorder cool, you will                                        VAULT200             Small KitVault             +1 £49
                          System                                VAULT300             Medium KitVault            +1 £59
                                  Qhelp give your hard          VAULT400             Large KitVault             +1 £69
                                    eCataloguedrives extra longevityFAN012           12V DC Fan Kit             +1 £85
                                                                                                                +1 £19

    ? Free delivery on orders over £50! ? Order up to 6pm and get it next day!

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