A range of software solutions for larger organisations looking to streamline process and cut costs. The range includes solutions for retrieving large quantities of footage as well as managing a number of installations in 1 central location. Ideal for multi-site operations such as high street food and retail chains.
For customers who have multi-site installations of DVRs and NVRs and need to manage them remotely we have SightMasterPro. This software is far more commercially orientated than the standard CCTV client software, which is aimed more at small groups of DVRs managed by individuals or small businesses.
Powerful, cutting-edge ANPR software captures number plates, controls access, trigger events and notifications.
Forecaught is a Windows application that can receive Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) results from up to four RoboPlate-branded cameras.
Multi-site management of CCTV with live playback, viewing and local download facility. For businesses who have multi-site installations of DVRs and NVRs for example national retail chains, and need to manage them remotely we have SightMasterPro. This software is far more commercially orientated than the standard client software often bundled with DVRs or NVRs.
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