What are the .csv results mentioned above ?
Every number plate recocognised by the camera is appended to an internal list, this list can be transmitted via FTP as a simple file ..
- after every result
- hourly
- daily, at midnight
It has a .csv extension so can be import by a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Open Office.
A new list is created every day.
What PC do I need to run this software ?
This software demands very few resources so is suitable for use on entry level Windows PCs.
We no longer support Windows Vista, XP or any earlier editions of Windows, neither do we support Windows Server platforms so you will require a Windows 7 PC or newer.
The software listens continuously for incoming camera connections from the camera so ideally should be run on a spare computer that is not used for routine tasks or regularly restarted.
Can this software be used as a general purpose FTP server ?
This software is written primarily for use with RoboPlate branded ANPR cameras, it offers many fetures not found in general purpose FTP servers, for example, you can ..
- navigate audit logs on a per-user, per-day basis
- open images listed in those logs using a simple double-click
- open a browser connection top the camera listed in the logs
- configure/populate the camera's FTP setting from this software
- explore download folders on a per-user basis
Can this software be run a "Service" ?
This software offers features that are accessible via a graphical user interface so is not suitable for use a "Service".